Zapak Solutions' #DhansooDialogue contest for BigFlix trends on Twitter

MUMBAI: Zapak Solutions, the social media arm of Zapak Digital Entertainment, on 18 July executed a Twitter contest for film fanatics of the country. The contest which was executed using the hashtag #DhansooDialogue, was executed for BigFlix, the movie-on-demand service by Reliance Entertainment Digital. The hashtag reached out to 66,257 Twitter accounts and generated nearly 300,000 impressions in a matter of six hours as #DhansooDialogue trended nationally is what the media firm claims.

The objective of the contest was to engage movie enthusiasts in conversations about films and dialogues that have created history in Bollywood. A series of Bollywood questions which were mainly a dialogue from one of the movies was asked; participants had to guess the name of the movie correctly. Winners of the contest were rewarded with goodies. During the campaign, more than 3000 interactions were recorded using the hashtag #DhansooDialogue. The total mentions received were 1202 and the total retweets were 740 is what Zapak Solutions claim in a release they sent out.

Commenting on the digital strategy of the contest Zapak Digital Entertainment, head digital marketing and social media Rahul Avasthy said, "The BigFlix contest on Twitter was designed to spread a word about BigFlix‘s existing and continuously growing Bollywood catalogue. We used the hashtag #DhansooDialogue as it strikes a chord with Bollywood fans. We received interesting replies and abundant tweets and retweets with the hashtag, due to which we trended at No. 1 nationally. More than anything else, it meant good fun for the participants and our team alike, afterall, all of us are born filmy! "