Vitamin D vital, says Abby's winner 'Spot of Sun'

MUMBAI: The interesting social media campaign called 'Spot of Sun' by HealthAssure won Gold in Abby's award.

The company was set up with the ultimate goal of being an aggregator for primary care services for Corporate and individuals. HealthAssure CEO Varun Gera is also part of the CII Health Insurance and Standards Committee.

Vitamin D is extremely essential for us, but often the most neglected. People are extremely unaware of the importance of vitamin D and that lack of it can even lead up to depression. Among the various causes of depression, lack of Vitamin D is the easiest to tackle. So, to bring about awareness among people about the importance of sun and how much of a difference it can make.

The campaign talks about the importance of sun and how it can make you happy, in the most unique way possible.

The campaign had a story printed partially in normal ink and partially in photo chromatic ink (which would only be visible under the sunlight). When people read the story indoors, it was a sad story. But when they stepped out under the sun, the lines in the Photo chromatic ink appeared and it made the story a happy one.

This video beautifully shows how sun, the biggest source of Vitamin D can make you happy and help you deal with depression.