Mother’s Recipe redefines universal language of love with new tagline “Taste the Love”

MUMBAI: With the backdrop of gender equality gaining momentum world over, smashing gender roles and stereotypes and a rising wave of aspirational millennials, Mother’s Recipe’s new proposition and tagline - ‘Taste the Love’ is redefining the language of love, through food. The brand has launched a series of video campaigns to promote the same.

The first campaign video encapsulates the journey of a young girl’s move to a big city. Her first taste of food in the new city is completed with a familiar jar of Mother’s Recipe pickle that instantly reminds her of home and the love she has grown up on.

The second video brings the focus on gender equality & dilution of gender roles. Mother’s Recipe’s offerings of convenient, simple food solutions are enabling men to take on roles that were just thrown into a woman’s list of things to do. The video shows a young couple going through the food options to order for dinner after a tiring day. While the man in the kitchen picks up packs from the Mother’s Recipe range to cook up a delicious home cooked meal, for his wife. The video beautifully highlights a simple solution to a Man’s biggest concern - ‘I don’t know how to cook’ while fostering love & understanding. The video also subtly celebrates the new age relationship dynamics which is more open, practical & willing to go the extra mile.

The campaign is the brainchild of Desai Brothers Ltd (Food Division – Mother’s Recipe) chief strategy officer Sanjana Desai and her team. Speaking about it, Desai highlighted the journey she and her team undertook, to closely study and understand the changing consumer behavior. Their desire to embrace the modern, while being rooted in the authenticity of traditional taste and flavor.

“Bringing and highlighting the best of both the worlds is what we set out to achieve through these campaigns. The underlying objective is for Mother Recipe to stay relevant, bringing out our brand promise of staying authentic against the backdrop of evolving aspirations, ambitions, and equations in life. In this fast-paced world, we believe great authentic food is what makes you feel home, and that is what we always focus to deliver,” she said.