Windows 8 ad campaign leverages music to connect with Asian culture

MUMBAI: The pan-Asian advertising campaign for Windows 8 projects the new operating system as a tool of self-expression, by leveraging music and visuals that connect with the culture of Asia‘s markets.

The Asian ads are a part of software major Microsoft‘s global campaign and was a combined effort of JWT Beijing and JWT Brazil, along with Crispin, Porter and Bogusky in the US, and Wunderman.

Music is at the heart of the campaign, which highlights a variety of indie and up-and-coming bands across the Asia, such as Scandal from Japan, Sona Mohapatra from India, and Lenka from New Zealand.

Windows global marketing director Alexandre Leite said, "Windows is an open and inclusive brand-empowering people and we wanted the music, language and cultural references to represent that spirit."

JWT Beijing chief creative officer Polly Chu said, "In Asia, we always want to express ourselves in a different way. We long for liberty but we are quite different from the western way of expression. Therefore, we will find a symbol to define liberty. In one of our executions we feature Parkour - urban running - as one of these symbols to represent freedom as well as individualism."

The campaign will include television commercials along with print ads, out of home billboards, viral videos, an online app, as well as online advertising.