Weekend Unwind with: advertising veteran and author Jayshree Sundar

Mumbai: IndianTelevision.com is kicking off an informal, fun series titled Weekend Unwind with.’ It's a peek into the mind of corporate executives - akin to a virtual water cooler chat. An attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better. By having them share their nuggets on life and their mantras to deal with the curveballs that life throws - not necessarily revolving around work life - and sometimes going beyond work.

We set the ball rolling with Jayshree Sundar - an industry veteran with over two decades of illustrious career in advertising, helming agencies such as Leo Burnett and Lintas. Sundar is also a published author of books such as "Don’t Forget 2004: Advertising Secrets of an Impossible Election Victory," and "The Tambram's Recipes."

So here goes...

ü  Your mantra for Life - "Make every minute count"

ü  A Book you are currently reading - "Deep Focus: Reflections On Cinema by Satyajit Ray"

ü  When was the last time you tried something new? - "Started writing books in 2018. I have three published books in four years!"

ü  What’s on top of your bucket list? "To write a web series"

ü  Life lesson you learned the hard way "Don’t judge a book by its cover"

ü  What gets you excited about life? - "Road trips into small places"

ü  A piece of advice to your younger self? - "To have taken up the many modelling offers which came my way. In short- to experiment more"

ü  One thing you would most like to change about the world? - "Hatred based on caste, colour, and religion"

ü  Your fitness mantra, especially during the pandemic - "Counting my steps and being active mentally and physically"

ü  Your comfort food - "Bengali food"

ü  When the chips are down a quote/ philosophy that keeps you going - "This too shall pass"

ü  Your guilty pleasure - "A good romantic film"

ü  An activity that keeps you motivated/charged during tough times - "Working on my next lecture or analysing and writing about interesting films or events"

ü  What lifts your spirits when life gets you down? - "Getting on a call with friends/family and having a good conversation on diverse subjects"

ü  Your go-to stress buster - "Listening to a good podcast"

ALSO READ | Indian general election is largest target audience one is ever going to deal with: Jayshree Sundar

