Leo Burnett wants to withdraw two award winning entries from Creative Abbys 2013

MUMBAI: Just when you thought that Goafest 2013 is over, Leo Burnett which swept 71 metals at the Creative Abbys this year, has sought withdrawal of two of its entries in the radio and radio craft categories.

The two entries that the agency wants to withdraw are radio spots it created for Tata Salt Lite. These entries have won the agency two gold Abbys and two silver Abbys.

Sources have confirmed that Leo Burnett Chairman Indian Subcontinent Arvind Sharma sent a mail to the Awards Governing Council (AGC) on Monday evening seeking that the two entries be withdrawn owing to some inconsistencies. This move by the agency comes as a result of the brand’s request to do the same.

The AGC requires all entries to be accompanied by client approval and verification. Clearly, one question this request raises is about the fuss when the entries which had already passed the acid test were accepted as legitimate entries.

The request to withdraw entries has also raised the question about scam ads and what effect they are having on the industry. It has been quite an interesting year at the awards this year with last year’s forerunner Ogilvy and Mather walking out, JWT India submitting scams ads that blew up in their face, and Creativeland Asia’s Raj Kurup stepping down from the jury at the creative Abbys as a mark protest against scam ads.