Law and Kenneth launches The Create Project

MUMBAI: Independent Indian advertising agency Law and Kenneth has launched a non profit initiative called The Create Project. It is aimed at helping creators take their projects further with guidance and mentorship from those with expertise in the field.

As part of the project, creators get to share their idea through the project website and what they share is evaluated by a panel of entrepreneurs and experts who evaluate each submission. If the panel does find merit in nurturing the idea, the creator is then aided and mentored to help bring the creation to life. The Project‘s endeavour is to focus on nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship that each creator carries and help her or him springboard from there by equipping them with the means to bring their creation to life. This process will also include methodical mentoring through the entire process - from the time the creator submits his idea to the time it comes to life.

The website of The Create Project is kept really simple and features examples of other projects from around the world to show creators the scale that The Create Project plans to work at.

The agency said, "All ideas that are sent to The Create Project will belong entirely to the creator. Everyone has the ability to create something. But often, these dreams are set aside because we don‘t know how to make them possible, or don‘t know who will help mentor and nurture what we want to create. The Create Project was born with the idea to act as a springboard for today‘s creators."