IBM to continue sponsoring CNN's broadband video service

MUMBAI: News broadcaster CNN's online broadband video has attracted more than four million page views in Asia since its launch.

This has prompted IBM to continue a sponsorship deal for the free video news service.The IBM sponsorship includes promotional banners throughout, 30-second video creative prior to content, 30-second lead out creative and a call-to-action banner under the video screen.

CNN ad sales Asia Pacific VP William Hsu said, “We are delighted that our latest CNN technology offering has received such an enthusiastic response from users and our partner, IBM, and we're expecting even more success in the future.”

CNN says that the IBM video creatives illustrate the intelligent advertising behind the deal as they all correspond to the platform on which the campaign is delivered. All feature characters seeking solutions to a variety of questions and issues, presented with a humorous twist, that are then resolved by the IBM helpdesk.
The broadband service includes a browse video function which allows users to organise, browse and sort through videos via a number of different criteria so they can quickly focus on content they wish to see. Top Video features clips on the day's biggest stories as well as Picks which serves up video that CNN editors think are the most interesting video clips.

The wide-screen format video content provided by CNN, available at, features the most popular news stories of the day across 14 categories including top stories, US, world, politics, business, sports, entertainment and more.