gets into the next generation of advertising

MUMBAI: Oh the ways of advertising! There really seems no limit or bar on the places one can advertise their brands. The latest is that Internet casino, known mostly for their eccentric eBay purchases, continues to deliver! Elise Harp, the second pregnant woman to use her enlarged belly as an advertising billboard for the casino, has given birth to a bouncing baby girl - Mariah. The birth was officially sponsored by

In true style, the casino went all out in their role as sponsors for Harp's baby's birth. Doctors' and visitors' masks and gowns, baby accessories, blankets, and practically everything in the operating room displayed "," including a huge banner behind the bed. Elise's recovery room was similarly decorated, as well as the new baby's room at home.

A few weeks ago, the casino made a similar sponsorship production for Amber Rainey, the first pregnant woman to display the casino's brand on her belly.

Harp did not need to auction off the sponsorship opportunity on eBay as immediately stepped up after the media attention they received from Rainey's sponsorship.

"Although company sponsorship is nothing new, this is a unique twist on a tried and true advertising concept," said CEO Richard Rowe. "Sponsoring the birth of Amber's baby was groundbreaking so we jumped at the opportunity to do the same for Elise. The sponsorship will help both mothers with the enormous costs involved in raising a child. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved." have reached new levels in marketing creativity with their ad tattoo and outrageous eBay buys like the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich ($28,000), the Ghost Cane ($65,000), one silicon breast implant belonging to a former Playboy Cover Girl ($16,766), a pretzel shaped in the image of the Madonna and Child ($10,600), and dozens more outlandish auctions.