Godrej Interio releases ‘Work From Home’ guide

MUMBAI:  Godrej Interio has announced the release of its exclusive guide: ‘Stay Healthy. Be Productive’ – a ‘Work From Home’ guide that reveals the challenges and solutions for the modern-day home-office setups.

With an unprecedented work-from-home (WFH) experiment setting in across Indian cities owing to the COVID-19 outbreak, professionals unused to working from home are finding a new work-life dynamic despite the technological and infrastructure challenges. The guide was released today by Godrej Interio as many more companies across a variety of sectors are going extra mile to provide viable WFH options for a, possibly, undefined period.

The guide will help professionals to improve their efficiency and productivity by working comfortably and avoiding unnecessary stress and injury. The right work environment at home will also help them avoid wrong postures and prevent MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders).

Godrej Interio COO Anil Mathur said: “The sedentary nature of modern office work, as well as the number of hours spent during work from home can cause adverse effects on workforce’s health. Advances in technology have made it easy to work remotely but adopting an incorrect posture while working at home can cause some serious health issues. People work with their laptop while sitting on the sofa, the bean bag, sitting cross-legged on the floor, and even while lying down. This may affect our musculoskeletal system. Basis these insights, we developed a work from home guide which talks about the importance to incorporate ergonomics into the home-office set up. Today’s modern workers needs are very different, and the home-office setup needs to provide them the enabling environment they need to be engaged. Ergonomic seating for the home seating is a way for individuals to know that when they take a break and decide to relax they avoid fatigue, muscle strain, and cramps. It will help them be highly efficient and productive.”

The newly released ‘Work From Home’ guide shared the following tips with the modern day professionals:

·         The right desk and chair – It is important to invest in ergonomic chairs and work desks that support different postures throughout the day. The chair that one invests in should have adjustable features to ensure maximum comfort, also having excellent lumbar support that is adjustable to keep the back straight. One needs to adjust the desk at the right height. An ideal set of proper positioning is when one can type on the keyboard with your elbows bent at around 90 degrees.

·         Clear desk (and environment) - Create a dedicated workspace for yourself to improve focus and reduce distractions. Ensure maximum comfort while working for long hours at a stretch.

·         Have the right accessories- Improper screen heights are a big reason for sore necks and related issues. One should make sure that the computer screen is in level with the users eyes, so one don’t have to drop your neck or slouch over to view it. The screen should also be at your arm’s length while typing on the keyboard. One may consider investing in a high quality laptop stand, an external keyboard and mouse to ensure proper posture at any time.

·         Smart props - To sit on the sofa or a bean bag for a short duration while working, one should maintain a proper position by placing cushions behind your back and beneath the laptop to raise it at the level of users eyes. Avoid slouching at any cost, as it may give rise to back pains and related issues.

·         Keep moving – One needs to make sure to move around a little while working for long periods of time. Take coffee breaks, go to the balcony and enjoy the tranquility outside, call a friend to chat a little, or check your mails from your mobile. Move around for a bit, before sitting down to work again. This is because sitting at the same posture for hours, even if one is using ergonomic seating arrangements, may put a lot of stress on body and mind. One can also practice some freehand exercises during the breaks to improve your blood circulation and stretch your muscles.

·         Try to stand and work - Standing and working for some time reduces the chance of backaches, improves concentration, and helps you work faster. It also aids in burning calories to some extent. One could convert the dresser, an ironing board, or a storage unit into a standing height workstation for shorter periods of time.

·         Lighting Choices - Ensure proper lighting in the room one is working in and keep the windows open to let in natural light. However, if one experiences any glare, one needs to draw the curtains or shut the blinds at right angles to the windows. While working at night, one may consider setting up a night lamp on your desk.