Goafest 2011 to host first Olive Crown Awards

MUMBAI: Goafest 2011, in alliance with the Indian chapter of International Advertising Association, will host the first ever Olive Crown Awards on 9 April.

Aimed at encouraging advertisers and marketers to communicate green messaging, the Olive Crown awards will recognise and promote responsible advertising.
Also, the awards seek to position marketing and advertising as a critical component of responsible economic growth. A starting point would be to recognise pioneering work in communication sustainability that is currently being done by some advertisers and encourage positive thinking on the issue.
Goafest 2011 chairperson Lynn deSouza said, “We aim to make Goafest 2011 a platform to promote the message of responsible advertising. The Olive Crown awards are a perfect fit to recognize and promote the campaigns which propagate this thought. We hope that this will be a catalyst for advertisers and agencies to adopt the green platform and create more innovative and informed campaigns.”

The awards will be open to all marketing company and agencies that have created and placed paid communication that advocated the sustainability message in the year 2010.
Goafest is India’s biggest advertising festival that offers a unique opportunity for all professionals in India to meet and celebrate the spirit of advertising. This year, Goafest will make a conscious effort in promoting clean and green advertising.