Glad U Came PR agency introduces menstrual leave for employees

Mumbai: Glad U Came becomes the first PR agency to announce period leaves for its menstruating employees on 'Menstrual Hygiene Day'. With 90 per cent of its employees being women, the agency recognises the importance of the hour and believes that period leaves are something that every working woman deserves.

This policy will make it easier for women to take time off on the first day of their period. Female employees are hesitant to explain the reason for their leave during their period, so they avoid taking leaves and work in discomfort & pain. 

In any case, most women try to push through and go to work. This is typically due to a concern of being viewed as weak or unable to execute their jobs if they disclose menstrual-related symptoms to their supervisors in most of the companies. This policy by Glad U Came would give employees who have painful menstrual or menopausal symptoms the option of working remotely and taking a set number of paid leave days each year. It's past time to acknowledge that women menstruate and that it's perfectly acceptable to take a day off to get through the discomfort. 

Speaking of this new policy, Glad U Came founder Maddie Amrutkar said, “We are a young and small team of twenty five people, twenty one of whom are women. Menstruation is something that she goes through every month and this is the least we can do to comfort her. I believe that period leave is not a privilege but a basic right that every woman deserves. The aim is to decrease the stigma associated with menstruation and make it easier for women who are experiencing period pain to take a break.”