Online TV network Mastery Television launched

CALIFORNIA: This has the makings of a revolution in terms of who really controls the idiot box - the viewer. Internet-based television network Mastery Television has just been launched by Mastery Media.
The 24/7 site offers Edutainment programming. This will feature experts, authors, speakers and celebrities. The site is
President, CEO Mastery Media Tom Wood was quoted in an official release saying, "Mastery Television will have media executives scared to death because we don't have to play their game. We don't answer to advertisers, cable companies, satellite providers or government agencies and we're the only television network in the world that can say that."
Programming for individuals and families includes topics that support personal growth, like health and fitness. CEOs, top management and employees will find hours of information on topics, including increasing sales and leadership mastery. Mastery Television does not carry advertising.
The release adds that the programming is edited into "bite-sized" chunks of between two and 15 minutes. In this manner, it can be easily viewed before work, at lunch, during breaks or at home with the family. Full-length programming is also available. The website's DVD-quality video can be delivered to users with high-speed and low-speed Internet connections directly to their computers.
Mastery Media delivers an array of products and services that improve the quality of life for individuals and families, including broadband and streaming media products.