Colors Tamil on their initiative for International Yoga Day.

Colors Tamil has planned an initiative titled “Yoga for World Health” in association with Rotary Club of Madras Central. This virtual event will bring experts, talent and fans all on one platform, and will stress on the importance of practicing yoga in our everyday lives for mental and emotional wellbeing.

This virtual-yoga meet which will be held on International Yoga Day which is on Sunday, June 21 at 6 30 a.m. on Zoom, will be led by well-known ayurvedic medicine and sports therapy consultant, Dr. Dharmesh Kubendiran, physiotherapist and yoga instructor, Dr. Simranjeet Kaur, musculoskeletal physiotherapist, Dr. Krishna Shah and Mr. Sagar Pujari, a celebrity sports therapy specialist.

Joining these experts will be the leading artists from Colors Tamil’s shows, namely Sidhu, Shreya, Teena and Ryesha from Thirumanam, Nilani, Naveen and Bindhu from Idhyatahai Thirudathe, Arun, Lakshmi and Keerthi from Mangalaya Dosham, Surendhar and Harshala Honey from Oviya, Amaljith, Pavithra, Naren Balaji and Sai Lakshmi from Ammanand and Amruth Kalam from Uyire.

Fans of Colors Tamil can join on the zoom link and practice yoga along with these experts and favorite artists for a duration of one hour, from the comfort and safety of their own homes.