Women empowerment: One-minute film contest to mark I-Day on lines of DD

NEW DELHI: Even as Doordarshan is holding a competition of short films to mark seventy years of independence, the Chennai-based Human Rights Advocacy and Research Foundation [HRF] has invited entries for one-minute films for a Festival to be held next month.

The “Freedom.Film.Festival” (competitive) will be held on 12 August 2017 in Chennai on the theme of “Women and Freedom”.

The films will explore the challenges overcome by women since independence or challenges that remain. Some questions posed are: Do women really enjoy their freedom at home, at their work place, on road, in the society, among relations etc? Are women of India really empowered in all areas and do all women get their requirements?

The best entry will be awarded a prize of Rs 25,000 and the best three will be recognized. Twenty selected finalists will be given certificates.

The final date for entries is 5 August 2017 in response to numerous requests and due to the increased interest in women empowerment. Details are available on https://www.facebook.com /HRF2017/