A live view from ‘above’, courtesy Nat Geo

MUMBAI: If you have seen the movie Gravity then the realness that the movie gives to the space experience is something remembering lifelong. Now, one of the world’s oldest magazine’s TV channel National Geographic is all set to give the globe a view of Earth from the outer space.


This March, the infotainment channel will telecast live from space a two-hour episode that will be broadcast from the $100 billion satellite station International Space Station (ISS) and Mission Control Houston which will over 170 countries. Produced by Arrow Media, Live from Space will be a ride with astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Koichi Wakata from the ISS and astronaut Mike Massimino will be live in Houston. The innovative feature is that viewers will be able to chat via video with the astronauts too.


The ISS that is situated about 400 kms above, orbits the earth every 90 minutes. NGC is promising incredible shots of the planet such as sunset, sunrise, city lights, lightning storms and shooting star.


“Every day at NGC our team tries to reach for the stars. Now we are literally able to do it! We are honoured to have secured such amazing access to the station and the astronauts living there and are exhilarated by the tremendous challenge to show Earth…live,” said NGC president Howard T Owens.


"We're thrilled to be making this unique event for NGC Worldwide. The technological and logistical challenges of broadcasting live from space may be enormous, but there's no bigger buzz than creating mind-blowing content that works in micro gravity, on the world's largest spacecraft!," added Arrow Media's creative director Tom Brisley.


AT $160 billion, the ISS is the most expensive object ever that has been existing for over two decades.


What until now has only been used for science purposes will now be utilised for entertaining the world!