Satnews releases 2002 international satellite directory

Satnews, the comprehensive resource centre covering the satellite, broadband and broadcasting industries, has released its 2002 international satellite directory. 

The directory, used by satellite professionals, has over 1,200 pages of information including names and addresses of all industry companies and organizations. It also comes with details on over 450 satellite systems worldwide with a CD-ROM of maps called SatMaps. 

It includes satellite operator profiles, operational GEO & LEO systems, planned GEO & LEO systems, international & regional networks and internet via satellite. The directory also contains information about transponder brokers and resellers, transmission/business TV and videoconferencing services, equipment providers - both satellites and ground equipment and business and support services as well as information about regulators, government agencies and trade associations. A glossary of satellite terms and a calendar of satellite events is also included in the directory.

The Directory comes with a 21 day money back guarantee. For more information or to order the Directory, visit