NBA threatens TV blackout for IPL from midnight

NEW DELHI: The News Broadcasters Association has decided that it will blackout all news on the Indian Premier League (IPL) from midnight tonight as the League officials have not reacted to their demand for giving news clips free of cost, sources in NBA told

When contacted IPL chairman and commissioner Lalit Modi said: "NBA is not my problem, talk to Rohit Gupta at Sony. He is dealing with this."

But Gupta could not be contacted. Rajiv Shukla's mobile was switched off.

The News Broadcasters Association has issued a warning to the Indian Premier League that unless it reconsiders its prices for news coverage and concedes the NBA demands within business hours today, it will take "concrete action."

The warning ended around 6 pm this evening. Though NBA did not want to offer details on what "concrete action" implied, IPL sources told earlier in the day that they have already warned of boycotting the event, which means a possible news black out on the electronic media.

All the top brass of the electronic media met last evening to come to a decision on this.