Iraq poll results live on NDTV tonight

MUMBAI: NDTV 24x7 & NDTV India will be releasing the results of a poll on Iraq on the 9 pm news in Hindi and English from tonight for four days, two questions at a time.
The channel has been conducting an opinion poll among a sample of 1000 people in Baghdad recently. This, according to NDTV, is not only the first opinion poll among the Iraqi people since the war, it is the first poll in Iraq in 25 years. The NDTV team that managed the poll had a tough job, considering the hassles journalists had to go through.

The poll will provide answers to what everyone has been wondering about what the people of Iraq are thinking.

The poll will answer questions like - what the people of Iraq really think of the American invasion, do the people of Iraq welcome America or not, do the people of Iraq want the Americans to stay on and re-build the country or get out now, if Saddam is caught, do the Iraqi people want him punished or set free, are the American troops on the streets of the cities being harsh or kind to the people of Iraq?