'Innovation' or 'broadcast blooper'?

MUMBAI: Heard of repeat advertising, but this is incredible. On 8 April, an ad for an obscure oil brand appeared 22 times consecutively back to back on a channel creating some sort of a freak history, TAM ADex has reported.

A 30-second commercial for Himgagan Tel ran consecutively 22 times virtually like an 11-minute filler on Reminiscent Television's Punjabi regional language channel Lashkara between 9:26 am and 9:37 am, says TAM ADex.

The "marathon filler ad" aired on "Nachda Punjab Gaunda Punjab" on Tuesday, 8 April.

The ADex team say that at first they couldn't believe their eyes... so they checked the recording again and again but every time the same result came. Now if somebody could track the impact the extended ad run had on Himgagan Tel sales... A drop in purchases of the product among those who saw the ad highly likely.