CNN launches a new feature show 'The Spirit of...'

MUMBAI: CNN has announced that it will launch a new monthly feature The Spirit Of... The 15-minute feature programme will be presented each month by CNN anchor Becky Anderson. She embarks on an intellectual journey, exploring the diverse fields of arts, culture, science, sports, business and philosophy to understand how such matters affect our lives. Each programme will introduce viewers to a key thinker or an outstanding leader to gain an insight into their work and careers.

The first episode airs on 5 May at 6: 45 pm, 6 May at 1:45 pm. She goes forth in The Spirit Of...Adventure. Becky braves harsh conditions near the North Pole to undergo an intensive ‘Arctic Survival Course'. She ventures to the island of Spitsbergen in Norway to learn the vital skills needed to endure the Arctic wilderness and guiding her adventure, Becky gains insight from the world's most famous mountaineer, Reinhold Messner.

Once referred to as the ‘Michael Jordan of Mountaineering', Messner was the first person to climb Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen and the first to ascend all fourteen ‘eight-thousanders' (peaks over 8,000 metres above sea level). He talks about his experiences, whether it's climbing the world's highest peaks, skiing across Antarctica, or traversing the Gobi Desert. Messner explains during the course of the show what it is that makes man choose to push himself to the limit.