CBS lines up sci fi-legal drama for mid season package

MUMBAI: American broadcaster CBS has announced that a legal drama set in 2030 Century City will form a major part of its mid-season package. It debuts on 16 March.

In the future, lawyers at the firm of Crane, Constable, McNeil and Montero find that while the laws change, people remain the same. Judges can now go before lawyers as holograms. The firm has its hands full taking on morally and ethically ambiguous cases such as parents suing their doctor for withholding critical results of their unborn child s genetic mapping.

Another case involves a man accused of robbery when he steals back his identity from his ex-fiancĂ© who has uploaded his presence onto all of her electronics. As this diverse group of attorneys find themselves in uncharted legal territory, their cases provide a look into issues confronting society in the not-so-distant future.

The next season of the more conventional legal drama The Guardian with Simon Baker returns for another season on 27 April. In India, the show airs on Hallmark. CBS has also thrown in a comedy The Stones into the mix. The show deals with the crazy reality of two adult children living in their childhood home with their divorcing-but-friendly parents. The show debuts on 17 March.