etc celebrates Children's Day with 'Rising Star' Diana Hayden

Music channel Etc is celebrating Children’s Day Diana Hayden, who is the channels Rising Star for this month ETC and some privileged children of our society.

One of the children Divya is blind. Tusshar Singh is a spastic child. Prasad was not given a spinal cord but God granted him a very strong back and Zameer was hit by Polio when very young. One thing in common that these four children have is melodious voice and love for music. So they will all sing along with Diana Hayden and entertain the children of all ages and sections. The show airs on 13 November at 7.30 pm.

Etc has also invited some privileged children who will showcase their talent through painting, clay molding, crayon drawings and fancy dress. Hayden added, “Childhood comes only once. Live it to the fullest. Enjoy it. Its fun.”

The main focus of the show is the fact that children do not differentiate. They can be inquisitive but they accept everything with a smile and find a way out to prove themselves and their love for life. It is time of fun and frolic with Diana for them.