HBO calls halt to shooting of 'Sopranos'

LOS ANGELES: The latest twist in the HBO - James Gandolfini ongoing tussle sees HBO firmly placing placing the ball in the court of Gandolfini. HBO's critically acclaimed mob drama series The Sopranos has gone into what fans are hoping is just a temporary state of cold storage. The network has refused to start shooting for fresh episodes of the series from 24 March until Gandolfini signs a statement agreeing with the current terms and conditions.
A Reuters report indicates that Gandolfini and HBO are not talking to each other. In India, the show airs on Zee English. Gandolfini could still bid adieu to Tony Soprano even if he does not have a signed document. HBO however wouldn't want to risk the chance of this happening.
As reported earlier the SAG winner seeking is seeking an increase in his price from US $400,000 per episode to one million.
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