Nickelodeon goes interactive with kids in the UK

Nickelodeon may not be a "happening" channel in India in but that is not the case everywhere. The Viacom-owned kids channel is currently running a new interactive initiative in the UK that lets viewers choose their viewing schedule via their remote control and pick the programmes they want to watch for a whole week by voting for their favorite show and then seeing it half an hour later. The initiative went into play yesterday and will run for a week.

Using an application developed by NDS Group (a News Corporation company) as part of Nickelodeon's successful "Watch Your Own Week" event, Nickelodeon will let its viewers vote interactively for the schedule, an NDS release says.

Viewers will be presented with three of their favourite programmes every half an hour from 8 am until 8 pm and encouraged to choose between them by presenters. Votes will be cast using the interactive application, via the BSkyB platform, which will determine what is shown next on the channel. Kids can also enter in a competition to win one of the following prizes: Playstation 2, Sony personal recordable minidisc player or a Palm Pilot personal organiser by submitting their telephone number.

Each new selection of programmes will see a fresh round of voting and Nickelodeon viewers can choose to enter a prize draw after their choice is made. Cost warnings will appear on-screen, while security systems shall ensure that only one vote is possible per session.

Kids can also vote online at or via the telephone. Nickelodeon anticipates that over a quarter of a million votes will be received via the NDS Value@TV application during the half term special, in addition to those collected via telephone, internet and SMS. Kids are the ultimate early adopters of new technology and iTV provides a new means of connecting with them.

Nickelodeon can increase viewer retention through this innovative interactive content, which, ultimately, will result in increased revenue.