US TV attacks on religion condemned by PTC

MUMBAI: The Parents Television Council (PTC) in the US has condemned the American television industry for what it says are despicable attitudes towards religion.

PTC president L. Brent Bozell says, During this holy time of year, Hollywood has once again proven how out of step they are with mainstream America by launching an all-out attack on not just religion, but some of the most fundamental tenets of the Christian faith.

PTC mentions that an episode of Comedy Centrals South Park which aired earlier this month, a character claims to have been sprayed by blood from a Virgin Mary statue.

On a Comedy Central special (aired several times in December), Denis Leary talks about the origins of Christmas using obscene language.

On an ABC episode of Boston Legal a priest was shown printing and selling counterfeit papal blessings and concealing the whereabouts of a pedophile.

These examples clearly show that Hollywood treats religious icons with utter disrespect. Religious persons of all faiths should beware. Everyone who subscribes to cable is subsidising content such as this. We encourage Congress to keep this in mind as they decide whether to give consumers cable choice, the ability to take and pay for only what they want adds Bozell.

The Parents Television Council was founded in 1995 to ensure that children are not constantly assaulted by sex, violence and profanity on television and in other media. This grassroots organisation claims to have over one million members across the US and works with television producers, broadcasters, networks and sponsors in an effort to stem the flow of harmful and negative messages targetted to children.