Recruitment ad for TV professionals continues to confound

It's the biggest whodunit for the television industry in recent times.

Who is behind the huge recruitment ad in leading daily The Times of India last week from a company seeking professionals for regional language, news and entertainment channels? So far Zee TV has denied that it is the culprit. (See Zee denies it is behind recruitment ad)

Now Sahara TV says it is not the guilty party, though rumour was that it is blameworthy. Hear out Sahara TV communications head Priya Raj: "I'd like to categorically state that Sahara TV has not placed the ad."

Apparently, upcoming Hindi entertainment channel Manoranjan Aur Kya (Mak) TV has also said that blame cannot be hurled in its direction.
And placement consultant Hewitt is not telling who is behind the recruitment ad. Until it decides to does so, guess TV professionals will have to just hold on.