Alpha Bangla celebrates monsoon with recipe contest

MUMBAI: The Bengali channel from Zee's bouquet Alpha Bangla has celebrated the monsoon with the event Ilishe Parbon on 28 August at Kolkata.

The recipe contest was an effort to tap Bengali's love for the fish variety ilish or halsa.

Six participants for the recipe contest were selected from over 3000 entries. Chef Subrata Debnath had a difficult time deciding the winner. It was a tough fight between innovative recipes like fruity ilish, pudina ilish and ilsih macher patisapta with the latter emerging as the winner, informed an official release.

Bengalis are heavily involved in their love for Ilish or hilsa even in this age of changing trends. Bengalis often engage in mock fights claiming that the padma ilish is tastier than the Ganges variety, added the release.