Eros International unveils new identity for Eros STX Global Corp

KOLKATA: Eros International Plc has changed its corporate name to Eros STX Global Corp. Along with the change in the corporate name, the brand has come with a new logo, a new website, and a new stock ticker ESGC for New York stock exchange.

Eros Intl Media CEO Pradeep Dwivedi shared the new identity for Eros STX Global Corp on his social media account.



The name change follows the completion of company’s merger-of-equals transaction with STX Entertainment on 30 July. The corporate name change does not affect the company’s share structure or the rights of the company’s shareholders, and no action is required of the company’s existing shareholders in connection with the corporate name change.

Read more news on Eros & STX Global merger 

As described in the new website, the merged entity has six divisions Eros Now, Eros Motion Pictures, Eros STX International, STX films, STX television, STX alternative. The merger which was announced earlier this year brings two major forces of Bollywood and Hollywood together.

In a recent interaction Dwivedi delved deeper into the merger of the two entities and shared his belief that the merged entity should be able to build the first compelling Indian studio that will capture worldwide attention both in terms of theatrical and streaming business.