BBC renews contract with RMS for cash schemes reprocurement

MUMBAI: UK pubcaster BBC has completed a reprocurement exercise for the management of its TV licencing cash schemes and the TV licencing savings card.

The contract has been awarded to the incumbent Revenues Management Services Ltd (RMS), an iQor group company.

BBC's head of revenue management Pipa Doubtfire said, "We are delighted to be continuing our partnership with RMS which is committed to the high standards of customer service that we demand for licence fee payers. The new contract offers excellent value for money for licence fee payers."

The new five-year contract will be rolled out from 1 April 2008.

The BBC ran an Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) procurement during 2007 that sought the best organisation to deliver the required services, while offering the best value for money for the licence fee payer.

This is the publication in which all contracts from the public sector which are valued above a certain threshold must be published.

TV licensing is a trading name used by agents contracted by the BBC to administer the collection of television licence fees and the enforcement of the television licensing system.

The majority of the administration of TV licencing is contracted to Capita Business Services Ltd, with the administration of cash easy payment schemes contracted to RMS, and marketing and public relations activities contracted to the AMV Consortium.