Indian Digital BrandFest 2023: Role of Emerging Media in the Programmatic World

Mumbai: The 3rd edition of Indian Digital BrandFest 2023 kicked off and had brands, advertisers, and tech platforms discuss all these trends and more. The summit looked at the latest trends driving the change in consumer behaviour and how it has impacted the industry’s growth.

Whether it was a boom in influencer marketing or the popularity of short-video platforms, brands did not hesitate to jump onto the digital bandwagon to up their marketing game. So Indian is taking this opportunity to bring a host of industry experts together under one roof to discuss all these new trends shaping the future.

The panellists for this session were dentsu x senior business head Pragnya Nanda, Starcom AVP- digital buying & investments Hemanshu Makatia, Udyog Plus lead marketing and alliances Siddesh Kerkar, Absen sales India (India business) Gangasagar Amula. The session chair for this panel was Lemma head- marketing & brand solutions Merlin Coutinho.

Coutinho was delighted to discuss the role of emerging media in the programmatic advertising world. She quickly jumped into the topic with the panellists and asked their views on the emerging media in today’s context.

Nanda said, “ What do we mean by emerging media? These are digital outdoor, online audio, streaming platforms, gaming platforms, retail, Connected TV etc. All of this media have been there for quite a while. But now they all are available programmatically and have changed the entire game of advertising. The need for measurability in terms of seeing how your advertising spends are actually creating an impact for your brand is, I think, at peak right now.”

Makatia commented, “ I can get everything on a single platform rather than going individually checking with everybody in the media space because everybody you know in today's world, everybody tends to say that I'm number one.”

Kerkar explained, “ Today we are not buying platform or channel-based inventory, we're buying the user base inventory. Emerging media has helped a lot. And it has made planning very exciting.”

Amula, quite optimistically, said, “At Absen, we are thinking about building the ecosystem and when I say ecosystem, we are building, we are collaborating with partners where we can make solutions for the end customers and make sure that they are at the end are the winners.”

In the end, Coutinho concluded by saying this session was a whole new event as there’s so much happening in the emerging media field.