'Wolf of Wall Street' avoids NC-17 after sex cuts

MUMBAI: Director Martin Scorsese's The Wolf Street of Wall Street has garnered an R rating - instead of the dreaded NC-17 - after the filmmaker agreed to trim certain nudity and sex scenes, insiders confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.

Initially, the Classification and Ratings Administration Board indicated that Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as disgraced Wall Street broker and hedonistic party boy Jordan Belfort, was destined for the more restrictive rating because of abundant, explicit sex (not to mention drugs).


Scorsese and Paramount, which is distributing the movie in North America, had several exchanges with the ratings board in terms of what was needed to secure an R rating.


After cuts were made, the studio announced it would open Wolf of Wall Street on 25 December. Indications were that the running time had been reduced to two hours and 45 minutes, but the final count is two hours and 59 minutes, including credits (without credits, it is two hours and 53 minutes).


At that length, Wolf of Wall Street has the distinction of being Scorsese's longest film, beating Casino by a minute.