The art of modern marketing: A bouquet of tools and techniques for business growth

Mumbai: As you scroll through your phone or computer, I would like to pose a question for you to ponder. Take a moment to recall the brands or businesses you remember most fondly. Can you sentimentally recall the old man with a turban appearing on TV saying, 'Asli Masale Sach Sach,' or the catchy jingle 'Hema, Rekha, Jaya aur Sushma; Sabki Pasand...'? While reading these taglines and jingles may have taken you on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, it is imperative to note that successful brands and businesses often result from exceptional contemporary marketing strategies. These ads serve as a testament that marketing tools irrefutably play a crucial role in the expansion and establishment of businesses, enabling them to achieve a memorable impact.

Modern marketing is characterised by its dynamic nature, constantly evolving in response to changing consumer behaviour and technological advancements. It employs multifaceted strategies to reach target audiences and enhance brand awareness across various channels such as social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, content creation, and mobile advertising. Innovative technologies drive these modern approaches and tactics, which are not restricted by traditional creative limitations or medium-specific constraints. This enables marketers to promote their businesses and ventures beyond geographical boundaries, tapping into global audiences and markets. Therefore, businesses need to stay abreast of the latest marketing trends and technologies to remain competitive in today's digital landscape.

Unlike traditional marketing, which relies heavily on mass media such as TV, radio, and print ads, modern marketing leverages various digital channels such as social media, data, artificial intelligence, email, and mobile apps to connect with customers. As opposed to traditional marketing, which often relies on a one-size-fits-all approach, modern marketing enables businesses to create highly personalised and targeted campaigns that resonate with their audiences. Modern tools have revolutionised Indian brands that now use AI and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to reach an ever-growing customer base directly.

In the current marketing landscape, brands are innovatively harnessing the potential of social media platforms, resulting in remarkable growth within all sectors. To sustain this growth, brands are increasingly leveraging digital tools, data systems, and artificial intelligence (AI) to create unique customer profiles, automate data-driven campaigns, and offer personalized and flexible customer experiences. Marketers have also added affiliate marketing to their expanding arsenal of strategies. This process involves an affiliate promoting a company's products and services in exchange for a commission if a sale is made. These modern techniques are creating enduring customer relationships while presenting the silver of benefits for business growth.

As the discourse shifts towards the benefits, modern marketing has a plethora of perks to offer:

  .  Increased Insights: Modern marketing techniques provide businesses with insight into emerging trends and customer behavior. Businesses can utilize this information to shape their campaigns and make more informed decisions that optimize marketing strategies for a higher return on investment.

  .  Tailor Made for You: Using data analytics and AI, businesses can target ideal customers more personally, marketing to them based on their interests and preferred mediums. This enables a greater degree of relevance and efficacy in marketing campaigns, resulting in elevated conversion and customer retention rates.

  .  Increased Exposure: The advent of digital marketing channels has expanded the reach of businesses, allowing them to access a broader audience through social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and other online marketing strategies. This increased exposure helps build brand recognition and awareness, leading to higher sales and revenue.

The impact of modern marketing on business growth has become increasingly apparent, prompting businesses to adopt modern marketing techniques and leverage their potential for optimal outcomes. According to estimates, 1.4 billion  people are actively utilising chatbots. With the emergence of chatbots, businesses now have even more opportunities to reach customers via personalised ads. Additionally, the proliferation of voice assistants, such as Siri or Alexa, has opened up new possibilities for marketers and brands. Recent reports indicate that the global voice assistant application market size is expected to surge from USD 2.8 billion to USD 11.2 billion between 2021 and 2026. It has thus become imperative for businesses to explore new and untapped arenas and embrace emerging marketing strategies.

From the early days of catchy jingles and taglines to the present-day digital era of social media and personalised experiences, the art of marketing has come a long way. As we reflect on the past and look to the future, we are reminded of the enduring power of marketing to inspire, excite, and connect us. Let us embrace the opportunities that modern marketing presents and continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible. After all, although the techniques may have changed, the goal remains the same: to make businesses memorable.

The author of this article is Advancells Group CEO & founder Vipul Jain