Impact of social media on women entrepreneurs in the automotive industry

Mumbai: The automotive industry has long been male-dominated, with top positions in companies largely occupied by men. However, as social media continues to revolutionize the way we communicate and market products, it has also become a powerful tool for empowering women entrepreneurs in this field. This is especially important in a country like India, where women's participation in the workforce is critical for economic growth and societal progress. By leveraging social media to promote the successes of female entrepreneurs, we can not only challenge societal stereotypes but also inspire more women to join and excel in the automotive industry.

According to a 2020 report by the World Bank, India ranks 120th among 131 countries in female labour force participation, with only around 23% of Indian women participating in the workforce. By showcasing female entrepreneurs who have successfully entered the automotive industry on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, we can break down barriers and encourage more women to pursue careers in this sector.

One inspiring example is that of Mary Barra, the Chairperson and CEO of General Motors, one of the world's largest automakers. Under her leadership, General Motors has committed to an all-electric future and has made significant strides in the development and production of electric vehicles. By highlighting the achievements of trailblazers like Barra, we can help dispel the notion that the automotive sector is a "man's world" and create a more diverse and inclusive environment.

Moreover, women often bring unique perspectives to marketing and customer relations, as they are more closely connected to their families and communities. In India, where family plays a central role in daily life, this understanding of expectations and ideologies can lead to more targeted and effective marketing campaigns, ultimately benefiting the automotive industry as a whole.

In addition to their innate understanding of customer needs, Indian women are known for their persistence, clarity, and patience – attributes that make them ideal leaders for marketing teams. By placing women in leadership positions, companies can tap into the diverse talents of their workforce, leading to more innovative and successful marketing campaigns.

The impact of social media on women entrepreneurs in the automotive industry, particularly in India, is profound and far-reaching. By utilizing social media platforms to showcase the achievements of female entrepreneurs, we can challenge societal stereotypes, inspire more women to join the industry, and leverage the unique strengths of women in marketing and leadership roles. Ultimately, a more diverse and inclusive automotive industry in India will lead to greater innovation and success for all, contributing to the country's economic growth and social development.

The author of this article is KwikFix Auto co-founder Manshi Modi Chandarana