Weekend Unwind with content creator Ruchika Lohiya

Mumbai: With another weekend upon us, it is time to unwind with the latest Q&A edition of Indiantelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind—a series of informal chats that delve into the minds of digital content creators through a fun lens, aiming to understand the person behind the creative journey a little better.

In this week’s session, we have Ruchika Lohiya, a 22-year-old creative dynamo from Jodhpur. Ruchika wears many hats – she's a poet, storyteller, writer, director, and spoken word artist. Her unique style combines storytelling with poetry, making her a source of inspiration for many.

Ruchika stepped into the digital world and won hearts with her special content. She's also launched a podcast called "Chikka on Roll" on Spotify, where she shares personal stories that connect with her audience. In a world full of quick trends, Ruchika stands out with her authentic creativity. She recently took the stage at Spoken Fest on 4 February and mesmerised the audience with her live poetry performance.

Without further ado here it goes…

Your mantra for life

You live only once, so do it anyway!

A book you are currently reading or plan to read

I'm currently hooked on "Unposted Letters" by Mahatria Rao – a book that's like a peaceful escape. It's a breeze to read and perfect for anyone starting their reading journey.

Your fitness mantra

When it comes to staying fit, I keep it simple: don't overthink. Whether it's eating or daily activities, a stress-free approach builds a friendly connection with your health. Get to know your body, take it easy, and cut yourself some slack.

Your comfort food

Rajma Chawal is my happy place.

A quote or philosophy that keeps you going when the chips are down

‘Tere kismat da likhta tera toh koi Kho nahi skda ke us do mehar hoye toh tenu oh vo miljaye joh tera ho nhi skda’- It’s a Punjabi saying.

Whatever is written in our fortune will happen anyway, but if there is a blessing from above, things will happen even if it was not written in your destiny!

Your guilty pleasure

The simple joys of Netflix and chill. A guilty pleasure that wraps me in comfort.

The last time you tried something new

Every day is an opportunity for a new experience. The world of content creation ensures that each day brings a fresh challenge and a chance to learn.

A life lesson you learned the hard way

Learning to let go was a tough one. Life's unpredictability sometimes demands detachment. Walking forward with grace, even when it's difficult, has been a crucial lesson.

What gets you excited about life?

Work is my fuel, my passion. It infuses my life with fire, water, and everything in between. The excitement and fulfillment it brings make each day worth living to the fullest.

What’s on top of your bucket list?

Well, nothing too specific, but I'd love to blend more of my work with travel. Those trips where you get to explore while working.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Honestly, no advice needed. Looking back, she was amazing—full of grace, strength, and a whole lot of fun. I love her spirit, and well, I still do!

One thing you would most like to change about the world

I wish for a kinder world, where everyone has an equal shot at achieving their dreams. A place where kindness prevails, and dreams aren't just for a fortunate few.

An activity that keeps you motivated and charged during tough times

it's honestly my work. Staying busy, creating opportunities—when I'm working, I'm mentally in my happy place.

What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

Without a doubt, my parents. They are my rock, the unwavering support I'm lucky to have.

Your go-to stress buster

Chatting with friends and just hanging out! Keeping it simple, just chilling, does wonders for the stress levels.