Twitter's Rishi Jaitly intends 'to move on to new opportunities'

MUMBAI: After a four-year stint as Twitter's Asia Pacific and Middle North East VP, Rishi Jaitly wishes to leave.

In his tweet Jaitly said, “Today, after four years of user/business momentum in India & the region, I’m sharing my intention to move on to new opportunities, same mission.”

In November 2012, Jailty joined Twitter as the India market director where he led Twitter's expansion into India. In 2014, Jaitly was promoted as the India and Southeast Asia market director to lead Twitter's efforts in India and Twitter's growth and media partnerships across Southeast Asia.

In 2015, he became the VP to lead the Twitter teams across Asia Pacific and the Middle East who drive strategic partnerships with the news, government, entertainment, sports, TV industries, and others in the mass and emerging media landscape.

Jaitly also tweeted, “ Building/leading @TwitterIndia, and expanding @TwitterMedia across Asia Pacific & Middle East, was the leadership experience of a lifetime.”

“My mission remains the same: harness tech/media’s scale to connect users/citizens to their voice/agency/leadership in places they care about.”

“My mission remains the same: harness tech/media’s scale to connect users/citizens to their voice/agency/leadership in places they care about.”

Prior to joining Twitter, Jaitly was a director of Knight Foundation where he led investments in technology, media, and digital tools that amplify citizen voice and unlock citizen leadership. Jaitly founded Kiva Detroit and co-founded the BME Social Network.