How Netflix is Killing Traditional TV

Because of the birth of Netflix, the future of television looks unpromising. The ratings of some TV shows have dropped since viewers are now able to watch their favorite shows via online streaming. That makes the future bleak for traditional TV. It’s the biggest problem? Netflix. It is the streaming goliath’s attack on the traditional programming competition. It is Netflix’s newly made-up method of distribution that has people and the TV industry unsure of its future. The distribution model of Netflix is that it puts an entire season’s episodes together and uploads it in bulk. That is because Netflix believes that it is a level-up in making the ideal experience for viewers. But then again, it may possibly mess up the structure and foundation of traditional TV beyond repair, and unintentionally take along itself down with traditional TV.

People have been doing movie marathons and spending many hours in front of a television for decades. In fact, watching television shows have been the most famous past time of almost everyone. And now, along with that, cable TV providers boom and grow well by airing marathon episodes of hit TV shows from a certain genre. In addition, purchasing DVD copies of TV shows lets fans take pleasure in watching without TV commercials. In this day and age, watchers have more freedom. They no longer have to settle for what is being shown on traditional television. Now they have the power over what to watch and when to watch.

Let’s look closely. What’s with Netflix? This new center of entertainment features and shows off catalogues of a lot of movies and TV shows. Every season – past and present – is made available with just the click of a mouse. Currently, Netflix covers one-third of all the streaming bandwidth the Internet can give. That only shows that watchers are really fascinated by it. Netflix can be likened to permissive and tolerant parents who let their children indulge. This can be a result of the “instant culture,” where people always expect instant results and instant satisfaction – instant food, instant messaging, instant streaming, instant everything!

Without a doubt, the emergence of streaming, along with how it has drastically redesigned the distribution and transfer of content to watchers, often appears to ask this question – is Netflix killing traditional TV?

Through Netflix, a tumultuous change in traditional TV triggered off. But then again, there are still individuals who prefer traditional TV watching. So if you’re one of those people, you can check out this article about the best options for satellite TV.